When Is the Best Time of Year to Get Your Windows Cleaned?

Is there a certain time, or times of the year, that are best to have your residential windows cleaned?

Residential clean windows

Very good question and of course, that depends. It could depend on where you spend the most time inside looking out and what your favorite seasons are. Perhaps it’s during or just prior to winter when you need a small reason to be cheery. Or if you don’t have window cleaning done on a regular basis, the best time may be in preparation for an important event you are having at your residential location, such as a wedding, reception, graduation party, an aunt from Europe, etc.

A key bit of advice is to endeavor to never let residential window cleaning go too long. Understandably, such will require your window cleaner, be it you or a window cleaning company, to expend more time and effort to make them look pristine again. Windows are also subject to a great variety of contaminants and things that dirty them sooner than you’d probably like. They can be what birds, trees, and bushes drop, dirty water or dust from nearby vehicle traffic, high winds, dripping water that may have organic matter from above, and dust or smoke from inside a home. For this reason many have decided to set up automatic cleanings for usually just the outsides every month or two. This assures them of never having to deal with the stress of getting filthy windows cleaned in time for something important.

A special note: there are many homeowners who like to schedule a professional window cleaning shortly after the pollen season in their particular area comes to a close. I can say that for me, as professional window cleaner, this is prime time in my schedule and they openings are taken fast, sometimes a year in advance.

Hopefully this has at least provided some valid factors to consider for when you feel it best to schedule a window cleaning.